
Gnar Gnar

Some people idolize athletes, wish-was-ing their way through life. Other people are more interested in movie stars, those people that pretend to be other people. I, on the other hand, am inspired by the eccentric, the odd, and the kind you can't contain. Like my friend Mike. He teaches math and makes weird science-fiction surf movies. Also known as Gnar Gnar, or Captain Blackstoke, Mike's about as cool as they come. Unassuming. Approachable. Some real salty swine.

I met Mike like I've met a lot of my friends... on the internet. In addition to making surf movies and teaching people PEMDAS, Mike runs a blog about pig shaped surfboards. He's also worked with Matt Calvani and Bing Surfboards to design something a little different, something from the late fifties - wide point aft, narrow nose, D fin, belly and weight. Ten Foot and Feral!

It's not often you get to eat a breakfast burrito with someone so inspiring - I might mention it had hash browns and avocado inside. He's the reason I bought my board, and the reason I'm still inspired by that time when surfing wasn't shredding. When glide and trim and big fuck-off bottom turns with the tip turned up were what you wanted. He's humble and doesn't seem to give two shits whether or not you agree with what he's got going on. I could say all sorts of stuff - maybe I've already said too much - but Mike made our entire time in sunny Southern California worthwhile. BLAST IT!